Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First W.W. Speaker! - Glenna S. Edwards

Our first speaker was Glenna S. Edwards.  What do you remember most about her talk? 

She shared things about her mom, how she was the first person in her family to graduate from college, what it was like to work in a male dominated field (aviation), relationships, decision making and achieving one of her dreams (to be a published author).

Please write your thoughts about what you heard that day.  If you've seen the recorded version on local cable, has anyone else in your family watched it?  What did they have to say?

What's In It For Me?

7th and 8th grade NMS girls will be visited by a variety of wise women in the 2010-2011 school year. 

What type of things would you like to hear about from your guest speakers?  Life, career, hobbies, travel???  You name it.  Please post your thoughts about what you'd like to know more about from wise women.

What do you think the wise women experience is all about?  How could this be useful?

About Me