Their story was one friend had told the other friend that airing their problems openly on their facebook wall where everyone could see wasn't the best idea. And the friend receiving the advice said at first she didn't like the advice, but when she thought about it, she knew her friend was right.
Friends can be wise in different areas. Some girlfriends I go to for health and exercise tips, other girlfriends I trust to talk about relationships, etc.
Do you have examples of how your friends have helped you with good advice?
How do you know if the advice is good? I met with someone this week who said 100 people will have a 100 different opinions (so true!) and it's hard to know who is right, but when you listen to your inner voice (aka gut), usually you know which pieces of advice you can trust.
Speaking of BRILLIANT FRIENDS, if any of of you want to be a guest blogger, then let me know! Pick a topic and write about it. E-mail your topic and words to: or
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i thought this girl was my really best friend and i told her almost about everything! until i broke up with my boyfriend and she told him everything that i told her as girl talk to him and now the whole school hates me. half the stuff she told him wasnt even true