Thursday, October 20, 2011

SONG: Someone Like You by Adele

 The song “Someone like you” by Adele is about a girl and a guy who dated before and now he is settled, married and happy.  She is saying that she will never forget him and he definitely won’t forget about her, she will make sure of it.  I have related to this song in many ways. 
Whenever I am in a relationship with someone and then they break it off I am always devastated!  I have no clue what it is but it gets to me deep.  Have you ever had this problem?  It's hard to overcome, being together with someone for 2-3 months or longer and then not ever talking to them again!  I've been called names like whore, skank, and slut for dating a lot of guys, but really I'm like scuba diving in the ocean for the right fish. :-)
8th grader

Saturday, October 15, 2011

CoOl CrOwD

Is being in the 'cool crowd' really cool? I know that middle, and high school can seem brutal. But why? Is it some of the things you don't expect? Maybe. Are there girls in your school that are "popular"? Have you ever thought, "Yeah, I wish I was popular."  I'm not gonna say it's bad to be popular. It's not, but it's bad to be popular for the WRONG reasons.

When it comes down to it. These days (not trying to stereotype) a lot of people are deciding that throwing away the school work, and disrespecting the teacher shows a wave of attention, and soon the attention gets bigger. I was always the girl to do all her work and treat everyone alike. Everything seems to run smoother like that. Also, the gossip and drama is always going around. It's NOT worth it. Stay away from it!  Act like drama is the bottle in the cabinet with the skull and crossbones on it.

Be popular for another reason. For winning the spelling bee, or getting straight A's all year. Or having the cleanest locker. Don't think that the cheer leading or the football team is the only way to be popular in this world. Stick with people who YOU like and who like YOU for you. People you're comfortable around. Not just people you can only make small talk with. Being cool doesn't mean only 'trying it once' to impress your friends, your friends should love you for you.

Don't worry about other's opinions. Just be a kid, you have plenty more years to make your own decisions. But for now, listen in on school and respect others while you prepare for your future.  (: 

8th grader

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